"The greatest difficulty is the mental resistance to things that arise, and the underlying assumption that they should not." - Eckhart Tolle Acceptance is a doorway to freedom. Often I get caught up in the spin of assumptions that this should not be happening. This resistance, this inner scream “NO!!!” has an undeniable gravity to it... if it is happening right now or even if it has already happened. The mental draw to unresolved events is enormous. As long as the assumption that things should be turning out differently is in the mind, the resistance to what is will remain. Memories of events like this will recur and shape our destiny unless we find acceptance. I often find myself dwelling on the past in hope of learning to avoid similar situations, in hope of sparing myself of pain. By recollecting things I wish turned out differently, I find myself trapped in the cycle of reliving that pain over and over again. Dwelling on aversion, resistance and non-acceptance always results in pain. I am not suggesting to idly submit to anything that is happening to us, nor to "go with the flow" of being in a bad or even abusive situation. What I am suggesting is being honest and aware, no matter what, to find the courage to look. It takes awareness and admitting the truth to finally step away from that gravitational pull of resistance and from dwelling on “this should not be happening”. Even just accepting that the resistance is there can help. Only by seeing clearly, we can make decisions and respond from a place of choice. Seeing and accepting the truth is the first step to letting go, forgiving, and results in ability to live in the present moment fully and gracefully. Self-acceptance and self-forgiveness have a huge part in this. Truth... No flinching No pretending No glorifying No denying No covering up Truth... Om Tat Sat The practice of Satya, truthfulness is described in Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book 2, sutra 36. Swami Satchidananda speaks of great courage that comes from practicing truthfulness. Looking at life with acceptance can bring freedom. Living with acceptance or living with resistance is our choice. “Therein is nothing to remove And thereto not the slightest thing to add. The perfect truth viewed perfectly And perfectly beheld is liberation.” ~Maitreya
November 2024
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